Aita Mari complains that the Spanish Government is still blocked by the TAV in Pasaia
  • Aita Mari is a boat that aims to offer humanitarian aid in the Mediterranean, turning what was once a tuna boat into a rescue boat. In order to prevent this aid, they have denounced that the Spanish Government is in Pasaia blocked by bureaucratic pretexts that they have used to do so.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2019ko irailaren 25

The last example, last Friday: Aita Mari reports on a trip to Sicily to provide humanitarian aid, but the authorities of the Spanish Merchant Navy are asking for more information on the basis of a “hidden objective”. The chairman of the NGO Humanitarian Marine Rescue, Iñigo Mijangos, explained that all the information requested was sent on Monday and that no reply has yet been received. “That administrative silence has blocked Father Mari. They are excuses, because they want to paralyze help.” It is clear that the Spanish Government is behind this decision.

“Father Mari meets all the requirements for boarding and there is no reason not to give his consent,” Mijangos stressed.

Open Arms Long Shadow

Aita Mari members believe that the crisis experienced this summer has left its mark by the lack of authorization to the port of Open Arms to dock the boat. “Pedro Sánchez would be calmer if Father Mari sank in Pasaia,” said Iñigo Mijangos.