Associations and agents linked to the associations of Euskera have met in the Federation, but the federation has appealed to other associations working for leisure in Euskera.
At the moment, there are associations in the Federation of Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarra and the intention is to bring together all the agents from all over the Basque Country.
The Kukulaisi federation has underlined the importance of leisure in Basque in the development of the language and has underlined that the articulated sector can multiply its influence.
The newly created Federation consists of the following associations: Usurbilgo Noaua! Bizarra Lepoan de Getxo, Dobera de Hernani, Euskarabentura elkartea, Geu de Vitoria, Hitzaro de Ordizia, Bergarako Aritze de Atarrabia, Karrikaluze de Atarrabia, Ttakun de Lasarte-Oria, Txatxilipurdi de Arrasate, They are also part of the Kukulaisi Topagunea federation and the leisure services company Kultur Kabia.