International conferences
10 years after the Aiete Declaration, what have we learned and what are the challenges for peace?
  • On 17 October, the International Conference for the Resolution of the Basque Country Conflict will be held at the Aiete Palace in Donostia-San Sebastián. On the occasion of this anniversary, several agents have organized international conferences "with the aim of helping the challenges of peace in Euskal Herria and in the world".
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2021eko irailaren 09a
2011ko Aieteko Adierazpena mugarri izan zen Euskal Herriko gatazkaren konponbidean aurrera egin ahal izateko (argazkia: Dani Blanco)

Recognizing that the context of ten years ago is not the same as today, and recognizing that the global pandemic that we are experiencing has also affected the efforts to seek peace, on 14 and 15 October, an international conference on "the challenges of peace in this new world after the pandemic" will be held in San Sebastian, in the Aiete Palace itself and in Kursaal. Lessons and challenges under the title.

These days have been promoted by the foundations Concicliation Resources and Berghof, two of the institutions that organized that historic conference, as well as by the Social Forums and the Paths of Peace that have been working for years in Euskal Herria for peace and conflict resolution. "The main objectives of the Conference are to assess the teachings of the Basque peace process, to analyse the barriers and opportunities surrounding the peace building process and to reflect on the global challenges to resolving conflicts," they explained.

The organizers have recalled that the Declaration of Aiete opened "the way to a new scenario" and that the peace process in Colombia that followed this "was the XX. "One of the oldest conflicts of the 20th century" had been transformed. The days will serve to recall the progress made in this transformation and the remaining obstacles.

Jonathan Powell, Brian Currin, Martin Griffith and many others are the most successful names in this week’s program. Experts and witnesses will also speak on the victims, and the last round table will include the presidents of the Basque Government and the Generalitat of Catalonia, Juan José Ibarretxe and Quin Torra, as well as the spokesmen of Amalur Álvarez and Jordi Cuixar.

Full video of the presentation on the Youtube channel of the Social Forum: