More than half of Spain’s budgets for Hego Euskal Herria are for the TAV
  • The draft budgets of the central government set aside EUR 662.9 million for Hego Euskal Herria, of which EUR 388.4 million for the APR, more than half.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko urriaren 15a
Aurrekontuen erdia baino gehiago AHTra bideratuta daude. / Argazkia: AHTren eraikuntza lanak artxiboko irudi batean.

The UN Podemos and PSOE coalition government has defined Spain’s draft General Budgets for 2022. In Navarre, 94.1 million will be allocated, in Bizkaia 182.8 million, in Álava 109.9 million and in Gipuzkoa 196.9 million.

The High-Speed Train concentrates most of the budgets: EUR 388.4 million, over half. Madrid has reserved 336.4 million for Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Álava.

Predominance of infrastructure

On the other hand, in Navarra, the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge of Spain foresees investments amounting to EUR 13.9 million. Of these, 10.8 million correspond to the management of the Yesa reservoir and another 1.2 million to the expansion of the dam.

The Government delegate in Navarre, José Luis Arasti, said that, with these budgets, "the whole society will gain". This has been determined: "(Budgets) They will contribute to equal opportunities for all people and to the social and territorial cohesion of the State."

In the case of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, the euro earmarked for other infrastructures is as follows: 46.54 million in ports, 13.8 million in airports and 18 million in jail intended to be exercised in Zubieta. Therefore, most of the money raised is allocated to infrastructure. The PSOE Government spokesman for the CAV, Denis Itxaso, believes that the draft budget will help to "consolidate the welfare state" and respond to "real needs".