TAV tickles climate change
Mugitu! mugimendua 2021eko urriaren 14a

Climate change is one of the most serious health problems we have in humans. It affects us to the extent that it affects the water and the earth that are the basis of life, as well as other living beings. Unmeasured droughts, floods, rising temperatures and fires, which are their most violent manifestations, are increasingly affecting more and more people. Climate change, this is a pandemic!

OSASUNA means integrity. We're in the middle of being sick and we're fully recovering. Health must be physical and anemic. The physical belongs to the body and the mood to the mind. They feed each other.

"When they travel 300 kilometers an hour, they waste as much energy as a town of 25,000 people."

The High Speed Train is another of the health problems we have in Euskal Herria. It divides the territory, divides it and, therefore, makes it sick. This affects the mood of the population. For this reason, those of us who have known sensual, screwed landscapes prior to the TAV consider ourselves lucky. The wonderful corners had an extraordinary charm, they opened the door of the story. The multicolored corners and the brumas, concealing the pleasant surprises, brightened our mocking soul.

The landscapes that painted the activities of the centuries seemed like living museums. We sniffed the history of ceremonies in an enriching interaction and discovered the keys to imagining the future. But unfortunately, what the TAV has done away with lives only in the memory of the old. Young people have not remained alone without an oneiric link with their ancestors and childhood. The construction of the TAV has also robbed young people of the historical memory that the landscapes kept. They say that landscape is the reflection of the soul of the people. Do we like what the mirror returns to us?

This infrastructure also affects physical health. Gases spilled by the TAV have a greenhouse effect and make tickles pleasing to climate change. Although some say otherwise, TAV is not at all environmentally friendly. The atmosphere is hotter. Let's see why:

To begin with, it has wiped out hundreds of hectares of forests and valleys that kept biodiversity and devoured CO2 emissions. The enormous machinery used for 400 kilometers of Euskal Herria to produce the huge amount of cement needed by the platform, viaducts, slopes and tunnels, has constantly spilled CO2. Tons of CO2 have also been poured into the concrete for the production and transport of stones and iron.

"But the TAV isn't over. We are in time to stop and prevent the destruction of the territory of the Basque Country"

The APR has an excessive energy consumption. When such a train runs at a speed of 300 kilometres per hour, it will waste the energy of a town of 25,000 inhabitants. In fact, the increase in speed means an exponential increase in energy consumption. The TAV will be powered by both nuclear power stations and thermal power stations such as Castejón. These plants emit a high amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) into the atmosphere, responsible for acid rain. They also cause the warming of the Ebro waters by using them in refrigeration.

The current wind and sun polygons and the projected ones will also feed the TAV. They industrialize and destroy agricultural and natural spaces.

Climate change is a direct consequence of techno-agro-industrial capitalism and the TAV is its symbol. They both destroy the biodiversity we need. But the TAV isn't over. We are in time to stop and prevent the destruction of the territory of the Basque Country. Fighting the CVT and the model of society it drives is fighting climate change. We strengthen our defensive system by defending land, water and air. Health.