Residence of creation of Ahots Bat from 27 to 30 December
  • It will be held from 27 to 30 December at the hostel in Amaiur. The project is aimed at young creators aged between 15 and 22 who work in theatre, bertso, song or literature throughout the year. @bertsozale 2021eko azaroaren 17a

This year Ahots Baten celebrates its seventh edition. Last year, although the pandemic caused two sessions of two days, this year the stay will be four days after the recovery. It will be from 27 to 30 December in the hostel of Amaiur (Navarra) and the registration will open next Monday, 22, at 10:00 hours. Registration may be made until 3 December, in particular until noon, but the registration order will be followed. The price of the stay is EUR 100.

This is a project aimed at young people between the ages of 15 and 22. Throughout the year, young people who work in different disciplines of orality, such as theatre, bertso, song or narrative or story, will have the opportunity to enjoy and experiment with them for four days of their stay; and, of course, to build networks of relationship between them.

On the second and third days they will meet in the group of renowned creators who are experts in these cultural disciplines: The program will feature Bertsolari Ane Labaka and the IN CHARGE of bringing themes to Maialen Belarra, actress Intza Alkain, CARTOONIST Joseba Larratxe Josevisky and singer and songwriter Miren Narbaiza MICE.

This year, registration from the portal

Mintzola has organised the initiative since 2015, together with Bertsozale Elkartea, in which several fellow travellers have also participated. As announced in summer, Mintzola is in the process of extinction, so this year the organization will be carried by Bertsozale Elkartea and Euskaltzaindia, and from this same website will be registered for the creation residence Ahots Bat. Notice, then, from 22 November!