Cry in defense of ducks farms in Donapaleu
  • Hundreds of people responded on Saturday to the call of the ELB trade union, which has called for mobilisation. In the face of avian influenza, a confrontation is envisaged if healthy birds are to be killed.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko otsailaren 01a
Argazkia: ELB sindikatua.

The demonstration on Saturday in the Navarra locality of Baxe was multitudinous, as was the previous week. According to the OECD, over five hundred people supported the owners of duck farms and their intention to organise resistance if the administration wanted to force them to kill healthy birds.

At the end of the demonstration, several members of the ducks’ farms took the floor. Among other things, they pointed out that the flu that is now being produced is stronger than in 2017, “touches animals more easily and kills them faster.” In the former, they explained that “the density is not high, the birds are dispersed and not contiguous”, while in the latter “there are more animals, more concentration, more problems”.

Organizing the Battle

The representatives of the ELB also spoke, making a direct observation to the prefect: “If you want to repeat the story we will mobilize [the gendarmes that the peasants faced in 2017], only if they do not kill healthy birds can the image of confrontation be avoided.” The ELB invited attendees to “organize the battle” if necessary, inviting them to give their names “to have a network ready that responds adequately when the time comes.”