Registration for the Bertso Eskola of Empowerment
  • There is the possibility of going to school before starting the second quarter. @bertsozale 2024ko urtarrilaren 08a
Urtarrilaren 13an izango da hurrengo eskola. / XDZ

On January 13, the Bertso Eskola Empowerment classes will resume. Although the course has already begun, there is the possibility to participate in the quarter and registration is open before the start of the second. Tuition costs 50 euros and registration can be done here.

The 2023-2024 course corresponds to the Bertsolaris School Ahalduntze.El group meets on Saturday from 10:00 to 14:00 for Bertsolaris* women who want to train for the improvisation of the plaza. If there are enough people for two groups, one meets in Amasa-Villabona and the other in Durango.

For participants with nursing infants, care needs will be studied. When registering, mention it in the notes.

Here you have more details.