Opportunity to reflect on the kinship and motherhood of Emagin
  • Emagine will offer three seminars reflecting on kinship, parenthood and motherhood. The aim of the conference is to demand solidarity. Saturday will be the first in Azpeitia.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko urriaren 06a
2022ko (Ez) amatasunak jardunaldia. / Argazkia: Emagin

Emagine has organised three seminars with the aim of continuing the maternity days offered last November (no). Street or whale, to feminist parentage! Arrive in Azpeitia, Zumaia and Errenteria in autumn. These days will reflect on themes such as kinship, parenthood and motherhood. The first will be tomorrow in Azpeitia. The seminars will try to answer questions such as how to enhance the new imaginaries of kinship, what are the needs of the bodies that give birth or how to act in the face of the loneliness of motherhood. All information is available on the webpage of the seminars.

On Saturday from 9 a.m. in the Txoko of the Women of Azpeitia the discomfort and resistance of motherhood will be addressed. Guests include the Paralela Association, Silvia Agüero Fernández and Natalia Gardeazabal Díez. Subsequently, the Mothers Network of Azpeitia organizes the "Inca minak sendatzen" day.

The second seminar will take place in Zumaia on 21 October. Work of family fictions and utopias in the Women's House of Zumaia*. June Baonza Pagaldai will offer an exhibition, documentary and colloquium with Jule Goikoetxea Mentxaka, Elixabete Imaz Martínez, Danele Sarriugarte Mochales.

Finally, 18 November will be the last at Errenteria. At the Women's House in Errenteria they will talk about absences and transformations. They will work from three perspectives: paternity, design of spaces and institutional policies. Guests are Asier Arizkorreta Hurtado, Ula Iruretagoiena Busturia and Oihana Etxebarrieta Legrand. The documentary In Transit, directed by Oskar Tejedor, will then be screened and discussed with Bidez-Bide.

Human care on the shore

Emagine members have stressed that we are facing a “profound crisis” of social reproduction: “Life has radical obstacles to progress and dignified reproduction.” Midwives have demanded co-surveillance when the success model is related to total autonomy. “We don’t want to limit creatures, families, affectivity, parenthood and care for violent structures, we want to generate beyond that parenthood,” they said. They stress that caring for human beings has been “left out” of society: “Capital accumulation has been put in place and care and reproduction has been individualized, feminized and commercialized.”