“It has not been an easy road, despite all the difficulties and obstacles, we are very happy and grateful to all those who have helped and made it possible to carry this project forward. And in a personal way, these experiences and friendships built over these years have been forever in our hearts,” they explain in their statement. They have expressed their gratitude to all the people and groups who have been willing to cooperate more or less at one time or another.
"That's how we understand life, everything starts and runs out, and that's why here's the end of Arizkun Rock."
It is a decision that they have taken “well thought out”: on the one hand, because the workload is “very high” for the “small organization”, because it has been several years and “the point of fatigue is increasingly evident”; on the other, they have determined that there is no continuity or relief and have decided to close the cycle. “That’s how we understand life, everything starts and runs out, and that’s why here’s the end of Arizkun Rock.”
Self-management as a basis
The people of Arizkun created the festival almost ten years ago with militancy and initiative of their own, and since then it has been a reference because the impulse of a town that does not reach the 600 inhabitants is evident and free access to it is opened to lovers of rock and music, something that is not common. The young people of the people have been concerned about the organization, since self-management, and despite being a small festival it has become noticeable as such.
Series of previous editions:
19 June 2015: Sofokaos + Juantxo Skalari & Rude Band + Tirri & Tery
June 24, 2016: Ze Esatek! + Ufestuak + Tirri & Tery
June 23, 2017: Black Milk + Tirri & Tery
22 June 2018: Sofokaos + Kaotiko + Tirri & Tery
June 21, 2019: Navarra 1512 + En Tol Sarmiento (ETS) + Tirri & Tery
19 June 2020: (if not for pandemic, on the day to be celebrated, attached video was opened)
19 June 2021: Tirri & Tery + Jon Maia + Olaia Inziarte + Skabidea
June 24, 2022: Drunken Barrels + The Lio + Skakeitan + Tirry & Tery