Asisko Urmeneta will present at Atharratze "Agosti Xahori, biografika"
  • AztiHitza. Biograph by Agosti Xaho. This is called the latest work by Asisko Urmeneta. On 24 November at 19:00 PM, the illustrated music-show will take place in Xahoenea. At 21:00 hours Patxi Saiz will offer a singing recital.  
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Liburu aurkezpenerako gonbidapena.

In the months of November and December there will be more presentations of the book. The presentation will take place on 20 November at the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao. On 22 November the presentation will be made by the Orreaga Group in Galdakao. On 7 December the Durango Fair will be held and in Ahotsenea there will be a colloquium between 12:30 and 13:00 hours.