Chronicle of the political week
One more day under the agenda
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko martxoaren 04a
Edu Nividhia / @Edu_Nividhia

The evening news is about marking what's important and what's not. The next morning are often a succession of them, removing some issues and introducing others, more modern if there can be any novelty in the motivation and basis of the event. Informative stories are mainly anthologies of foreign mines, as Anari Inmolazioa, his recently released song; femicides, volcanoes... and endless wars. In the last session of Tardanza a little was said, between hard doses of humor/drug of one hour, that man is the only being that dehumanizes his human condition. That is, a pig sees as a pig that is up to the point, while man dehumanizes man. And undoubtedly, the one who stops is the only animal, man.

One of the problems that professional politicians have is putting them before the citizens and not seeing them as equals. It cannot be a supreme being, but at least a human being of another reality or class. In the informative ones that are the anthology of the mines of others their comments are interspersed, and perhaps there is the pain of who the issue is: if the professional politicians have to solve the concerns and problems that are the daily bread of the citizens, as they say in the mittens, it comes to think that we have a party when one follows the informative of the night. “You want to set the world on fire,” says Anari. You have a party. In every way, unless you have to go to work tomorrow.

One of the problems that professional politicians have is putting them before the citizens and not seeing them as equals.

But other people's mines don't become us, often until they knock us at home. We tend to take an aesthetic distance from what we see in the news reports, both when we say that millions of people starve to death and when the candidates express their commitment to strengthen social policies. And the distance between one news item and another is usually a few minutes, perhaps the worst. Since 7 October, Israel has killed more than 30,000 Palestinians. The massacres are shown in raw videos and far beyond so-called “strong” rejection messages. Pablo González has been in a Polish prison for two years, in isolation, without any proof, to go out to the yard with an hour of miserable leave and breathe a little. In this case, "protection" is also indicated, "we are working in diplomacy". Poets trying to convince citizens that these pains are experienced further in an electoral environment.

Today, if Israel has murdered so many Palestinians in a raid, another as much or more will die tomorrow. To clarify the days of tomorrow, Pablo González will spend another day in isolation. The consumer news knows that this will be the case and knows that it will surely not receive news from González, at least in the usual news items, until how many days. On the contrary, between here and 21 April, within 48 days, every day electoral competition will have a place in the main news items, because every day the promise appears. So-called new ideas, but with uninnovative backgrounds and motivations: getting the most seats in Parliament and reaching power. To change something, with the great limitations of parliamentarism to influence people's lives. That's old. And it's also old to do electoral calculations. If, according to them, there is any controversy and the votes of the citizens, such as the Urdaibai biosphere reserve projects for tourism, are called into question, there is no problem in giving a provisional carpet that will then recover again. Or the question of the young man of Villabona: the authorities will look for a way to divert the matter, which he can say “unintentionally”, but they have taken steps: because the parliament has dissolved itself, the Department of Security will not have to explain there.

Meanwhile, an additional day and week has passed to chronicle all of the above, and to leave it on a different plane, the media machinery places the soap operas in the boge. The case of the corruption of some Spanish politicians is flying in us, because as an excuse there is a Navarro, and we have fallen into the trap and we have made all the chapters and their nomenclatures. The latter is what attracts attention: how easy we have called Koldo. So it seems that the door of the house is a problem that saves us, or at least the doors of all the Koldo of Euskal Herria. You can compare it to the Filomena storm that passed through Madrid. It looked like he was snow in Euskal Herria, but that storm didn't hit us. Other things are the ones that hit us inside. Despite touching the spotlights from above, neighbors smoke more.