African Union calls for study on 23 migrants killed in Melilla
  • They call for an “immediate” investigation into the deaths of at least 23 people on the Melilla barrier. Moussa Faki Mahamat, President of the African Union, is “excited and concerned” about the violence and humiliating treatment of African migrants.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko ekainaren 27a
Argazkia: Javier Bernardo, AP.

Moussa Faki Mahamat, President of the African Union, has called for the investigation “immediately” of the cases of at least 23 migrants who have died on the Melilla barrier. It denounces the treatment given to African migrants trying to move from Morocco to Spain and warns that the deaths resulting from this violent treatment: “I am deeply excited and concerned about the treatment of violence and humility.” Calls for responsibility from international countries: "I remind all countries of the need to treat migrants with dignity in international law and to give priority to their security and human rights. They should also avoid the use of too much force."

The Moroccan Human Rights Association announced on Sunday that the death toll on the Melilla barrier is “much higher” than that of the 27 people initially confirmed. Morocco has officially confirmed that 23 people have died, but there are NGOs that have died at least 37. In addition, Moussa Faki Mahamat herself has recalled that there are “many more” wounded migrants.