Emergency on a warship of EE.UU. : evacuate or die from coronavirus
  • The captain of the boat, who was in the China area, has had to ask for help in the Pacific. In the ship, called Roosevelt, there are about 5,000 soldiers and Covid19 disease spreads along the crew. They have moored on the island of Guam, but do not let them go down, as they also struggle not to spread the disease.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko apirilaren 01
Roosevelt hegazkin-ontzia.

A week ago, the first positive on the boat was detected for COVID-19 and a government official said that 80 are already infected, according to The Guardian.

The boat, which is docked on the island of Guam, is located in the Pacific of the United States. This island is one of the hotspots of Pacific coronavirus, with 58 infections and two deaths. The U.S. government has warned its authorities that it will send more tests, but they fear that hospitals will overflow from them.

Captain Crozier, in a four-page letter, does not explain where the soldiers should be evacuated, but points out that the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier does not have sufficient means to establish a fourteen day isolation.

The Army boat is on the island of Guam (Wikipedia)

The Secretary of the Army of EE.UU, Thomas Modly said today that the Government of Guam does not have enough beds for all soldiers and is talking to the United States Government so that soldiers can sleep in hotels and tents.

The Government is against

The U.S. Defense Ministry, however, has been against evacuation. Along with him, Admiral John Aquilino rejects the idea of evacuation and proposes another: take some soldiers out of the boat and do tests, if they are positive, putting them in isolation and cleaning the boat. He then proposed that the same should be done for the rest of the soldiers inside, so as to avoid evacuation.