U.S. Election Fraud Is Not Found By U.S. Attorney General Closest to Trump
  • U.S. Attorney General William Bar has reported that no evidence has been found to reduce election results.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko abenduaren 02a
William Barr AEBetako fiskal nagusia (ezkerrean) Donald Trumpekin.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr announced on Tuesday that the Justice Department has found no evidence of electoral fraud. Barr has been one of Donald's leading allies Trump.Trump, meanwhile, has not recognized the defeat of Democratic rival Joe Biden until December 1, Trump confirmed.

Trump and his campaign team filed complaints in the states where they lost the votes for not being able to vote. Moreover, since the vote on November 3, Trump has said time and again that the elections have been an electoral fraud. The team of the U.S. President-in-Office also referred to an alleged international plot which, according to them, was organized to give victory to Biden.

When Biden was appointed winner, a legal team led by Trump’s personal advisor, Rudy Giuliani, and the former Mayor of New York, brought to court the counts of all key states of defeat. The conspiracy theories of the Trump team reached unusual levels with this movement.

But prosecutor William Barr has waited for these theories, which from the beginning have not convinced anyone, to fall flagrantly to confirm that there has been no fraud in the elections. Rumors about Trump’s political future are already underway multiplicando.En 2024 has told his environment that he intends to be a candidate.

The Republican has received about $170 million since November 3, according to several U.S. media, thanks to donations requested to fund the legal struggle.