U.S. declassifies documents on the coup in Chile
  • Documents received by the US President during the Nixon prior to the 1973 coup d'état have been released by Washington on Friday after the visit of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the US House of Delegates to Chile. Ocasio-Cortez asks for transparency to learn about the role he played in the US in the Pinochet Coup d'état.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko abuztuaren 29a
Pinochet eta AEBetako Estatu Idazkari ohi Kissingerren arteko bilera. Argazkia: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile/CC BY 2.0

The US Department has declassified two reports received by Nixon prior to the coup in Chile, following pressure from Democrats. These are the documents of 8 and 11 September 1973, prior to the coup d ' état that brought down President Salvador Allende.

The reports inform Nixon of the state of several nations, including Chile. The movements of the Chilean Army, the resistance of the groups that formed Unidad Popular and the possibility of a military coup d'état are collected.

The report of 8 September explains that “a military coup can occur”, charged by the Chilean Navy. Although Marina requested the support of the Army and the Air Forces, no coup was organized between the three services. Navy officials also say there are indications that they are working with right-wing paramilitaries. In the Allende report it says that “the only solution is political.”

In the report of 11 September, for its part, it focuses on the plan for Marina’s coup, now with the support of the Army and the Air Forces. It has also been mentioned that “socialists, communists and leftist extremists are not going to go back.”

The coup sponsored by Nixon and the CIA came on the day of the last report. Finally, Allende committed suicide and established the Pinochet dictatorship until 1990. During the dictatorship, as the CIA has acknowledged, there were “systematic attacks on human rights”. He was arrested in 1998, but died before being tried in 2006.