U.S. war on Iran is condemned in dozens of US capitals
  • The organizers explained that the appeal was made "against a new war in the Middle East and in favour of the withdrawal of US military forces".
Igor Galarza Intxausti @IgorGalarza 2020ko urtarrilaren 07a
New Yorken egin zuten manifestazioa. (Irudia:EFE)

On 3 January, the United States murdered the Al Quds Force Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Qasem Soleimani, resulting in an Iranian offensive. USA, Donald Trump has been involved in numerous protests over the promised attack, such as the massive goodbye to Soleimani, in which the accident occurred with about 40 deaths and dozens injured.

But not only in Iran: Democracy Now! According to the official website, major American cities, such as Washington, New York or San Francisco, have also been involved in protests on Saturday. In addition to turning their backs on the war against Iran, thousands of people claimed the relocation of U.S. troops and the withdrawal of the Trump government's planned bombings against Iraq.




That is that Trump has threatened both Iran and Iraq. The US President has said that if Iran attacks US citizens, it will give "an immediate and tough response." Iraq, for its part, warned that it "will suffer an attack that it has never suffered" and added: "No. That is the message that the Iraqi Parliament launched last Sunday, when it voted in favour of the expulsion of all US military forces in the country.