Administrations use a company charged for environmental offences in the training of the timber sector
  • Faced with the serious crisis of the intensive wood production model, last December the Basque Government organised a technical training session for forest owners, with the participation of representatives of the company Bosque 2000. This technical conference was organized by the public company HAZI, a quarry of public offices and elected officials related to the PNV.
Eguzki Talde Ekologista @EguzkiEH 2019ko otsailaren 11
Pinu gaixotuak eraitsita baso jabe asko landatzen hasi diren mota berriak: goian Douglas izenak, behean eukaliptoak. (Argazkia: Eguzki)

The activity of Bosque 2000 has focused on the research and development of intensive eucalyptus plantations, especially in the Cantabrian area invaded by this exotic species (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria,…). This company is located within the Sniace Group, of paper origin, with different productions (eucalyptus wood, viscose fiber, cellulose and energy), and the name of the intervention of the representative of Bosque 2000 was as follows: “New varieties of eucalyptus in the Cantabrian slope”.

Criminal charges for environmental actions

The Cantabria Hearing has recently been known to have charged the Management Board and the Director of Operations of Sniace for a "suspected crime against the environment and natural resources" for toxic emissions in the Saja River for several years. On this occasion, the Torrelavega Court of Justice 1. He has rectified the judgment of the Court, maintaining the charge of the Director of Operations and admitting the appeals brought by the Prosecutor ' s Office and Ekologistak Martxan, and has also charged the Management Board.

Discharges have taken place without the authorization of the Northern Hydrographic Confederation, which has presented high levels of parameters such as conductivity, suspended solids, COD, BOD5, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, copper, zinc, lead, selenium and dissolved magnesium. Heavy metals are particularly harmful, affecting the trophic chain and seriously endangering the river ecosystem and human health.

The Court of Cantabria has attached great importance to the reports of the National Institute of Toxicology, the Northern Hydrographic Confederation and the experts appointed by the Office of the Prosecutor.

The Northern Hydrographic Confederation had already imposed a fine of € 600,000 for serious infringement and a compensation of € 500,000. Indeed, at the same time a new criminal procedure was under way against the former Sniac Executive Counsellor, convicted in April 2010 for an environmental crime and similar spills that are now being tried. As a result, the opening of the oral judgment against all defendants is pending from that resolution.

Pines and eucalyptus in the CAPV

Although it seems incredible, the company Sniece has confirmed that it has obtained the PEFC forest management certificate, the great green lie used by the timber sector to clean up the poor image of the intensive forestry model driven by the PNV and the Baskegur association in the Basque Country.

As an alternative to the many diseases that cause the insignis of pine, these two agents try to reorient forest owners so that, in addition to the already known harmful eucalyptus, they begin as substitutes in the use of other exotic species: Douglas fir, redwoods, sea pine or Japanese cryptocurrency.

At the same time, they want to consolidate the current deciduous forest model, trying to forget that natural forests (robledales, hayeds, marojals, mixed forests, oaks…) have already disappeared from 75% of the territory of the CAPV.

Sniace paper factory in Cantabria: ecologists have repeatedly denounced that forestry policies have been organized primarily for the benefit of paper mills.