Construction of the first collaborative housing for the elderly in Navarra in the Chantrea de Pamplona
  • They will build 25 homes with orchard and common services. The building will be built by the cooperative Etxekide, supported by the Government of Navarra and the City of Pamplona will give a plot for the construction of the project. It is expected to end by 2026 and the total investment of the project will exceed EUR 4.5 million.    
Ainara Rodil Jaime 2024ko otsailaren 12a
Iruñeko Txantrea auzoko etorkizuneko etxebizitza kolaboratiboen irudikapena. / Argazkia: Nafarroako Gobernua Iruñeko Txantrea auzoko etorkizuneko etxebizitza kolaboratiboen irudikapena. / Argazkia: Nafarroako Gobernua

The residential project will be for people over 65 years of age on assignment. The two-storey building will have housing and common spaces, as well as communal garden.

The details were given at a press conference last Friday by the parties involved in the project. Carmen Maeztu, Councillor for Social Rights, Social Economy and Employment, Begoña Alfaro, Third Vice-President and Councillor for Housing, Youth and Migration Policies, Joxe Abaurrea, Councillor Delegate of Strategy of Government, Urbanism, Housing and Agenda 2030 of the City Council of Pamplona and Vocal

“It is estimated that in 2037 70,000 people will go from 80 years in Navarra to 41,000 people. Thus, the Foral Government has seen that it is necessary to facilitate the implementation of new models of collaborative housing or ‘cohousing’,” Maeztu said. They explain that this is a self-managed Community model in which all people share decisions, responsibilities and tasks, while maintaining the independence and privacy of each user. Etxekide is a non-profit cooperative with the "commitment to meet the care, health and social needs of its partners".

In Maeztu's words, Etxekide's proposal stands out, both in terms of cooperation and social criteria, as he undertakes to hire people with disabilities, in situations of exclusion or women victims of gender violence. The City of Pamplona will give a plot for the project for 75 years. "It is essential that local authorities, especially those with publicly owned land, are prepared to give way to advance the development of this type of housing," said the advisor.

According to Joxe Abaurrea, the project combines the commitment to a collaborative housing model, with a commitment to sustainability, inclusion, care and the recovery of the protagonism of the elderly people. "They are new non-speculative models of housing access. Although these are now small examples, the idea is that the role in new housing access models is becoming increasingly important," he stressed.

Conditions and deadlines

Etxekide's secretary, Carlos Rey, explained that "our cooperative emerged from the motivation we have many people, of not wanting to die alone at home or in a private residence. We want to share in the company the last stage of our life, without depending on family or friends, and with maximum autonomy. And the fact that this way of living is possible has motivated us. It's a successful collaborative housing model in many countries."

According to Rey, all homes will have the same size, approximately 52 square meters, with a flexible distribution, universal accessibility and triple energy rating A. It will have community spaces and services such as kitchen and dining room, activity rooms, laundry, socio-sanitary rooms, library and meeting points.

The project is scheduled to be completed in June and in early 2025 works are started so that by mid-2026 the building is finished and habitable. Total investment amounts to EUR 4,550,759,69. To this end, Etxeki will contribute EUR 910,151,90 in own funds and make a request for bank and external financing of EUR 3,643,000.

Persons interested in entering must have an annual gross income of more than EUR 18,500, an income contribution of EUR 30,691 and a basic monthly share of EUR 530 plus EUR 115 for other expenditure.