Israeli soldiers shoot a Palestinian child
  • The event took place on Thursday, in the vicinity of the town of Betleem. The soldiers shot the 15-year-old boy twice, who was in detention.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko apirilaren 23a
Mohammad Hmeid argazkilariak bideoan jasotako unea. Emakume palestinarrak zauritutako gaztea artatzen, soldadu israeldarrak ondoan direla

As they passed through the Palestinian village of Tuqu, several demonstrators threw stones at a car of Israeli settlers in the Israeli enclave of Tekoa. The Israeli soldiers who participated in the protest were Osama Hajarja, a 15-year-old Palestinian who was shot by the military.

The Palestinian photographer Mohammad Hmeid was responsible for the events and was in charge of them. The pebble, with his eyes covered with a scarf and his hands tied, appears in the photo trying to run away from the soldiers. In the attempt to escape, the young man was shot, so he was admitted to a hospital without a dispute between protesters and soldiers. The soldiers faced those who had approached to help the young man.

According to the spokesman for the Israeli Army, the soldiers shot him during a persecution initiated after the man who fled Gaza. “The soldiers immediately offered him their first help,” the spokesman said.

Hajarja has a different version of the facts, which has declared to France Presse that he was shot twice: The first was held by the military and the second by the flight. According to the young man, when he was arrested by the soldiers, he sat on a thorny bush, and in an attempt to change his position, he was shot on the right leg. At the time, he was shot the second time on his left hip.