Trump Announces History’s Largest Investment to Boost Artificial Intelligence
  • The new President of the United States has announced an investment of $500 billion for the NATO Stargate project. The event includes OpenAI, SoftBank and Oracle.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2025eko urtarrilaren 22a
Texas estatuan enpresa ugari datu zentroak ari dira eraikitzen, Stargate deituriko proiektuarekin orain azpiegitura horiek gehiago zabalduko dituzte.

U.S. President Donald Trump has announced a private investment this Tuesday that will boost AI infrastructure. It has presented the Stargate project, which has an investment of $500 billion. This accounts for 1.7% of the country’s gross domestic product, one of the largest investments in the history of the United States.

The OpenAI, SoftBank and Oracle companies will be in charge of developing the project, and their main role will be to build data centers and provide a technological base. In the first instance, $100 billion will be set: "It will be the most important project of our time," explained Sam Altman, from OpenAI, who presented the project.

In the United States, in the state of Texas, large mega-polygons are already being built for Artificial Intelligence infrastructure, and now this network is going to be expanded.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Oracle and OpenAI leaders, SoftBank, have appeared in the White House.

Trump has explained that the U.S. government will support companies with "energy emergency statements" in the current situation. Artificial intelligence requires a brutal waste of energy, and the Trump administration is prepared to ignore, through those statements, the pollution that Stargate will cause.

With the company Stargate, the United States intends to anticipate China's positions on artificial intelligence, which it considers strategic to protect the country's "national security".

Now, TikTok

In five years, TikTok has gone from being a dangerous instrument to being something to buy and "save." Donald Trump has signed the order to postpone the law banning Chinese enforcement, and wants to give Trump 90 more days for failing to comply with the law.

This is intended to allow a millionaire investor to purchase the social network during that time. Only in this way would TikTok continue to function in the United States. United States Many use the name of Elon Musk, the owner of the X network, and Trump himself said at a press conference Tuesday that he was presenting to Stargate that he "would like."

TikTok has 170 million users in the United States and has been considered key in the White House elections to spread the message of candidates among young people.