Adif says that the situations of labor slavery denounced in the works of the AHT are "false"
  • After receiving the scandalous testimony that AHT Geldi denounces the existence of situations of labor slavery in the works of the High-Speed Train of Navarre, the company Adif that promotes these works has had to respond publicly: "They're a lie."

Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2025eko urtarrilaren 30
Tafallako Monte Plano tunelean hondeamakina bat lanean. Espainiako Garraio Ministerioa

The association AHT Pause testifies to the poor working conditions suffered by workers working on the High-Speed Train of Navarre. We already knew the situation of the workers of these works, since the book Zuloan, published by LUZ in collaboration with Manu Robles -Arangiz, showed this labor exploitation from the inside.

The testimony of Navarre confirms that modern slavery is widespread in the works of the AVE. "The 21st century. It is the infrastructure of the twentieth century, but with working conditions of the nineteenth century", as the members of AHT Parada highlighted in the press conference.

Endless hours, insecurity, drug and alcohol consumption, accidents... "Those of us who were there treated us like slaves, like slaves today. The bosses knew it, but they ignored it. The most powerful of the companies know who to put there to act as a stalker," says one of the testimonies that worked in the Monte Plano tunnel in Tafalla.

In fact, being “ignored” by companies and institutions has been one of the evils of modern AAV slavery. But in the face of these serious accusations, this time they had to appear publicly

In fact, being “ignored” by companies and institutions has been one of the evils of modern AAV slavery. But in the face of these serious accusations, this time they had to appear publicly.

Adif, the company that promotes the works, has told the Diario de Noticias that the denunciations are "false" and that it has "zero tolerance for abuses". He says his occupational safety and health department "monitors the physical risks involved in the execution of the work" and "ensures that the appropriate occupational health conditions are met."

In the dawn of an inhumane system of subcontracting chains, however, how it does this has not explained whether it should manage billions and ensure the conditions of thousands of workers.

On February 15, a demonstration was called in Pamplona to denounce the work of the AHT. In addition to the AHT Pause association, the call is supported by Contigo-Contigo, EH Bil, Haritu Network of Mutual Support, Pamplona Socialist Council, Action Coordination, Martes al Sol, Workers’ Self-Defense Network, SOS Racism and CGT, CNT, ELA, ESK and LAB.