A couple of heads from the period next to the ETA of "Larrun"
  • We have completed a round table to discuss the post-ETA period in the magazine Larrun of LA LUZ. "The Core and Pain of ETA: 60 years of history.” We spoke with José Félix Azurmendi, Koro Garmendia and Joxema Olarra, respectively. In order to understand what the period after ETA may be like, we wanted to bring its history to life. In essence, however, we have brought with us three visions of 60 years of violent political conflict.  
Mikel Asurmendi @masurmendi 2018ko abuztuaren 08a
Jose Felix Azurmendi, Koro Garmendia eta Joxemari Olarra izan ditugu solaskide, hurrenez hurren. Argazkilaria: Dani Blanco.

The views on the history of ETA are diverse. For Berba, if we had received the visions of a classic member of the PNV and one of the lines of the Baskista of the PSOE-PSE, the new history of the Basque Country would be even better reflected.

Due to the truth, receiving also the views of the classic line of the PSOE and a member of the PP would give us an even more complete vision. Our effort to capture the visions of the latter has not been sparse. But we are not in a position to achieve this. That is to say, the activity of the rapporteur will take many years and will hardly be given in full and shared form. Also, because of the truth.

As the conversation has been so long and prosperous, several lines are usually left out. I will bring a couple of them in succession, as well as a couple of other heads that this roundtable guide has on the subject.

1. The interlocutors who spoke about the relationship between Navarre and the Basque Autonomous Community, Navarre Euskadi is the motto.

The three interlocutors look very similar in the photos, because the subject is

It is the motto of the transitional period. The three said that the “mistake” of the patriots was terrible. Joxema Olarra’s words bear witness: “I share that view, too, and I admit that I realized it late.” Even Olarra said:“In other words, this happened to us when we flew to the North. We were the only ones who knew what to do, or we showed it to them. I didn’t realize they were Indians.”

2. On the other hand, the dialogue revolves around the so-called “socialization of suffering”, which also referred to the phenomenon of Street Fighting. In the words of José Félix, it has been a very damaging episode in the history of ETA for this country.

3. I want to bring here another aspect that was not mentioned by myself, which is and will be a difficult subject to study. In phenomena such as these, the interference of states in armed organizations: infiltration, in a word. This ghost has also conditioned the activity of ETA. There are other characteristics that will make the time of the Watchtower go away.

4. A superficial matter to finish, light but vital. The exchange with the three interlocutors was very good, the smile came to our lips several times. The boring words before and after meeting at the table always leave interesting questions. Called off the record, therefore, not all can be explained.

Finally: the three interlocutors look very similar in the photos, since the subject is different. This is reflected beautifully in the visas of the speakers at the round table. And in the other pictures too. I walked away from them when the photographer Dani Blanco worked, then when I saw the photos I became aware of the mood of the three speakers. Very revealing.