Tarajal Beach Massacre
The sixteen civil guards who shot swimmers in the European Union are acquitted
  • According to the decree issued on July 28 by the Provincial Court of Cadiz, the police intervention was "proportional" to the number of detainees. On February 6, 2014, a number of people attempting to swim into the Spanish state drowned by the civilian guards.  
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko uztailaren 29a
Segurtasun kamerek hartu zituzten irudietan ikusi zen tiro egin zietela igeri zihoazen pertsonei.

The Provincial Court of Cadiz has acquitted the civil guards who strangled fifteen immigrants in the Tarajal, a decision taken in the decree issued on July 28. 29 October 6 Instruction. The order clarifies that the court dismisses the appeals brought by the various NGOs against the decision to file the case against sixteen civil guards, according to the digital newspaper El Secreto.

On February 6, 2014, a group of 200 people trying to cross the Mediterranean were shot dead by swimming on the coast by swimming from Morocco. The 23 who managed to reach Ceuta were immediately returned to Morocco.

Finally, the cause is dismissed: there is no evidence to show that "the police action was contrary to the basic principles that can be demanded for these interventions", according to the Provincial Court's order.