An ultracatolic group against abortion persecutes women in a clinic in Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • The "40 Days for Life" ultracatological group has launched a 40-day campaign in Vitoria-Gasteiz against abortion rights in the capital of Alavesa. On Wednesday, five people showed up in the afternoon in front of a clinic in Calle Rioja that interrupts pregnancies with signs with slogans like "Pray for you and your baby" and "pray with us".
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2021eko irailaren 24a
Taldeak Espainiako Estatuko zenbait hiritan ari da elkarretaratzeak egiten, hau da horietako bat Madrilen. Argazkia: 40 dias por la vida

Gasteiz Today announced what happened on Wednesday: three women and two men were in the afternoon in front of a clinic in Rioja Kalea, where abortions are performed, with catels with the slogans "Pray for you and your baby" and "pray with us".

According to this digital journal, protests of this kind have not been common in Vitoria-Gasteiz so far, but they have been in other provinces of the state. In them, groups opposed to the right to abortion harass women who enter clinics and, in many cases, try to contact them directly. They try to convince them to abandon the interruption of pregnancy by means of ultracholic arguments or emotional blackmail.

‘Abortion vigils’

40 Days for Life has organized in Vitoria-Gasteiz a 40-day campaign of protest against the right to abortion, which started yesterday. The objective of the campaign is to monitor and monitor the clinic of Calle Rioja for 40 days, disseminating prayers and messages against the right to abortion.

This ultracatological organization was born in Texas in 2004 and is currently operating internationally. Campaigns are organised each year in different countries against 40-day abortion. They are defined as ‘Provida’ and act ‘through recruitment, fasting and wakefulness’ against people who decide to interrupt their pregnancy. Anyone can enroll through the organization’s website to participate in these harassment campaigns.

Harassment of women in clinics, crime?

The activity of ultracatological groups to convince women who go to abort at the door of clinics was debated for the first time in Congress on Tuesday, September 21. The majority voted in favour of introducing a new type into the Penal Code to punish people who exercise the right to abortion ‘persecute or coerce’.