Protests against abortion will not take place less than 100 metres from the Askabide clinic in Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • In the same vein as a San Sebastian judge earlier this month, a Vitoria judge has also taken precautionary measures against the anti-abortion protests. At the gates of Askabide clinics in both capitals, abortions cannot be grouped together, as they must maintain a minimum distance of 100 metres per court order.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko urriaren 26a
Gasteizko Askabide klinika (Argazkia:

Women who have just aborted at the Askabide clinics in Vitoria-Gasteiz and Donostia have long been harassed. The anti-abortion group meets at the front of the clinics, with posters with anti-abortion messages in the hands, or praying the rosary. Even in Vitoria protests proliferated, as Berria said two weeks ago, making daily meetings at Askabide’s doors. Behind these mobilizations is the association against abortion 40 days for life, 40 days for life, founded in the United States.

Faced with this situation, a judge in Vitoria has taken precautionary measures against those who protest against abortion, and in the future they will not be able to take place less than 100 metres from the clinic. The judge of Vitoria follows the path taken at the beginning of the month by a Donostian judge who on 7 October banned protests against abortion in front of the Askabide clinic in San Sebastian as a precautionary measure.

Both judges have taken into account the complaint lodged by the Askabide clinic against the association 40 days by life. Since April the Spanish Penal Code prohibits similar protests, which has been used by Askabide to file a complaint.