6,000 baskets of Ablitas will be prepared in Auzolan
  • Errigora has started this year’s campaign and until 20 November it will be possible to request baskets of products from the south of Navarra to help the economy of the region and the promotion of the Basque country. In Ablitas, this weekend these baskets will be prepared in Auzolan.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko azaroaren 07a
(Argazkia: Errigora)

The Basque people and local producers have an appointment on 9 November in the Ribera, in the municipality of Ablitas, in the south of the Ebro. Errigora baskets will be prepared in auzolan. The parents and teachers of the ikastolas, the students of the Euskaltegis, the farmers and volunteers from many parts of the Basque Country will participate in this task.

According to the organizers, in addition to collaborating with the auzolan in the Errigora initiative, they want to establish ties and build bridges between the Basque Country and the local producers in the south of Navarre.

In total, 6,000 boxes or baskets of products from the Ribera will be filled to reach 200 locations in the Basque Country. Since the start of the initiative in 2013, nearly 80,000 baskets have been distributed and EUR 1 million has been allocated to Basque cultural activity – for example in "non-Basque" areas – to support the punishable ikastolas. This year, moreover, the Ageraldia group has been created with the objective of promoting the knowledge, use and defense of the Basque Country.

Requests for the collection of the Errigora basket can be made until 20 November in the usual places, as well as on the internet address Errigora.