The course that is about to be started will maintain basic preventive measures in the CAV
  • The Basque Government Education Advisor, Jokin Bildarratz, has announced that the new school year will begin as the previous one finished: safety distance (1.5 m), hygiene measures, adequate ventilation, contact limits or masks.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko abuztuaren 31
Pasa den ikasturteko irudia / Lauaxeta ikastola

Along with these basic measures, he has also highlighted the process of vaccination of students over 12 years of age as "an additional measure of great importance and effectiveness in the prevention of the disease", according to the note of the Basque Government.

The measures for the new course are included in the protocol that the Department of Education sent to the centres on Monday. The document contains a number of new developments. For example, the document sent to the centers in June included the formation of bubbles in FP, always with a mask. In addition, stable subgroups of four or five pupils may be set up within each class. The updated protocol maintains this measure for FP.

Stable subgroups may also be held in the 1 and 2 ESO, stable groups of three or four students. The distance between these groupings shall be greater than 1,5 metres and shall remain stable for at least periods of holiday longer than 10 days.

On the other hand, in the revision of the protocol, the section corresponding to extracurricular activities has been completed and developed. Basic safety measures have been defined in order to carry out these activities at the request of educational establishments or associations organising after-school activities.

The protocol for the new course has an annex created specifically for the Barnetegis. With the onset of the pandemic, the “Centers for Idiomatic Entrenchment” organized by the Department of Education had to be suspended. The resumption of this activity has been a "priority" for the Department of Education, as "they are important spaces to give an effective impulse to the Basque learning process". With the specific protocol or annex, the Barnetegis will resume in the new course.