Launch in Oñati the 3rd edition of the Beratu music festival
  • The third edition of the Beratu Festival will be held from 6 to 8 November at different points in Oñati.Aunque initially the idea of the organization was to offer a documentary and six concerts, due to the situation generated by the pandemic, changes have occurred and a number of performances have been cancelled.
Jone Markuleta @JMarkuleta 2020ko azaroaren 06a
Ostiraleko emanaldia Beratu jaialdian. Argazkia: BeratuJaialdia

The Beratu Festival 3.edizioa starts today in Oñati.Se will be held from 6 to 8 November. As a consequence of the pandemic, actions will be carried out with special measures.

The first state of alarm in March prevented the third edition of the Festival Beratu.Los organizers, to bet on culture, delayed the festival and, with the intention of choosing a date that did not match the coronavirus boom, delayed it until November. His first performance was the soundtrack of the film 'Brands', which was going to start the miércoles.El musician Aitor Etxeberria would be in charge of climbing the stage, but in the last hour the program was suspended, due to a positive in the performances of the protagonists. The round of events will therefore begin on Friday, 6 November.

The music will be the protagonist, as on Friday in the Santa Ana Hall the experimental duo Los Sara Fontan and the Biscayan quartet Sua will meet on stage. On Saturday, music will come from Gernika, with the performance of Gaizka Insunza in the Theatre Principal.Las two performances on Sunday end the programming of the Aste Nagusia Donostiarra. The first date will be at 13:00 hours with the Hakima Flissi bilbain in the Lazarraga Garden and then with Joseba Irazoki in the Gazteleku of Oñati.