Campaign to raise tax objections to military spending
  • On Tuesday, actions began to denounce the excessive spending that is accepted to finance war under the slogan ‘No military spending’. @uriolaeus 2023ko apirilaren 05
KEMeko kideen protesta Bilboko kuartel militarraren aurrean. Argazkia: KEM

On Tuesday, actions begin to denounce the excessive spending that is accepted to finance the war. In fact, on Tuesday morning several activists started their activities under the slogan ‘No military spending’.

The mobilisations are intended to denounce the amount of money that the State spends on military spending. Thus, by 2023, the State's military expenditure is estimated at over 48.8 billion euros, which is close to 4% of GDP and represents expenditure of 1,051 euros per person.

Protesters are invited to join in mobilising for the campaign of the fiscal obstacle. That is, to reject the payment of part of the taxes and to allocate this amount to citizen initiatives that work in the construction of transformative and solidary alternatives.