High Speed Train Suffers Road Condition in Bidasoa
  • TAV and LGV two acronyms and the same desire to say: High Speed Train (TAV). In Irun-Hendaia-Hondarribia, the project has a problem of attack. The train has easily arrived in Aquitaine, barely below Baiona, and in Bidasoa, not yet completed. The execution of the work is slowly developing.
Mikel Asurmendi @masurmendi 2019ko martxoaren 01

The French State has had no interest and the Aquitaine Council has not given priority to the High-Speed Train (TAV), especially between Dax and Hendaia. The resistance in Ipar Euskal Herria has also pushed back the project of the connection with the TAV in Hegoalde.

The restructuring and replanning of the city of Irun has not facilitated the road to the TAV project. The land occupied by the railways in Hendaia (SCNF) and Irun (RENFE-ADIF) is very large. In the last twenty years, far from its use, railway infrastructures have suffered a great deterioration. The future of the TAV in Irun will be conditioned by the urban project, as well as by the confluence of the different railway modalities. TAV cannot be carried out without taking into account the implementation of the new Irun

The Hexagon projects for the South-West are planned as follows: The development of the Bordele-Tolosa (Occitania) and Bordeaux–Hendaia railway lines is still in place, but in January 2019, after consulting the public, local citizens living in Bordeaux, Dax, Baiona and Hendaia do not give priority to the project.

The French State prioritizes rail connections with Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium instead of connecting with Spain. European railway infrastructures are moving forward, but it is the last furgón of the High-Speed Train race in Spain.

Spain also has and has had its own interests. Already in 1992, it gave the green light to the route between Madrid and Seville. Then Barcelona, then Zaragoza, that is to say, has developed the new railway line according to the world shows of Sport and Fairs. The passage through Hego Euskal Herria has never been a priority for him. The website of Ligne à Grande Vitesse (LGV) shows that the railway line between Bordeaux and Spain is not present.

Interest has had an easy pretext for postponing: The orography of the Basque Country is abrupt, with many cities and towns at the same time very expensive. That is to say, as it is being done, they have realised that, in addition to being a expensive infrastructure, it does not guarantee the advantages offered by the characteristics of this train, and the authorities have begun to think about whether citizens can turn their backs on it.

Over the years, the total execution of the APR is being delayed. The completion date for the works of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa was renewed: 2023. Apparently, attractive to maintain the illusion of the project promoters. The year comes, and again, illusion forecasts can be frustrating. Especially for them, of course.

In fact, the TAV project has in the past had wide areas against it. Today, despite the resistance, in general, and if any part of society ever had “illusion” in this project, we can say that, to a large extent, this possible illusion is exhausted. In Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, social issues and needs are the priority of citizenship.