Act calls to meet in Gernika the Aberri Eguna
  • The coordinator invites the entire staff of Euskal Herria to participate. It indicates that it is a day to claim the "identity of the Basque Worker".
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko otsailaren 20a
Jardun koordinadorak aberri eguna antolatu du Gernikan. (Argazkia: Jardun)

The activity coordinator organized this year’s Aberri Eguna in Gernika on 9 April. It has launched the political campaign for the day through a press conference.

He considers that the national question should be understood "within the class oppression suffered by the Basque Public Worker", because they oppose it as an "obstacle" to the bourgeoisies of the Spanish and French states. At the same time, it has denounced that "denial" is the "main weapon" these states use against the Basque country.

National and class conflict

It has also denounced that the Basque bourgeoisie is complicit in this oppression, as it uses the national question as an element of pressure to "promote division among workers" and "compete with the national bourgeoisie". They point out that "the situation of oppression suffered by Euskal Herria is a consequence and a reflection of the class conflict".

At Aberri Eguna, the coordinator calls for the identity of the Basque Worker to face the "strategy aimed at its destruction". Through the demand they want to begin to become aware: "In the face of the persecution of those who want us to keep separated and exploited, it is a day for solidarity and unity." He stressed that April 9 is the "Basque Day to advance the construction of the independent and socialist Basque State".