On 16 December the Hertzainak group will offer a concert at BEC
  • In addition to Barakaldo's concert, the group will operate in Vitoria-Gasteiz in early January, in a more "collected" format. Tickets from BEC will be offered for sale on 5 October.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko irailaren 29a
Hertzainak taldea (Argazkia: L. Saragueta)

The Hertzainak group returns to the stage to give the last two concerts. One on December 16 at the BEC of Barakaldo and another in early 2023 in January. The specifications of the news that has spread in recent weeks have been published at the press conference on Thursday. The tour has been named "The Last in Our Favor" and the team has determined that there will be other groups that will act in the performances. In addition, the team's friends will be on stage.

Tickets for Barakaldo will be offered for sale on 5 October for an amount of EUR 29, 40 and 45. We know the information about Vitoria-Gasteiz later. However, we must know that Álava's concert will be in a more "collected" format.

The Hertzainak group was founded in 1981. At first Xabier Montoia was the singer of the group, but he left him in 1982 to create M and Gari took the microphone. The group published six records:'Hertzainak (1984), Hau dena aldatu nahi dut (1985), Salda dago (1988), Amets prefabrikatuak (1990), Zuzenean (1991) and Denbora orratz (1992). His last concert was in 1993, at the Polideportivo de Anoeta de San Sebastián.

Three years ago, Josu Zabala and Gari offered a farewell concert at the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao and at the Euskalduna Palace on two occasions, and that was when the idea of doing the last in Vitoria arose, inviting more original members of the group.