Agent Guggenheim Urdaibai Stop presented to fight the project
  • Several Busturialdea groups met in Gernika on Tuesday, calling for the Guggenheim Urdaibai project to be halted and criticising the lack of transparency of the administration.
2023ko ekainaren 14a
Astearetean Guggenheim Urdaibai Stop-ek egin zuen agerraldia. Ana Urrutia ikusi daiteke hitza hartzen (Endilla Portillo/Foku)

Gernika welcomed on Tuesday the presentation of the popular movement Guggenheim Urdaibai Stop, made up of several Busturialdea groups concerned about the negative impacts the project may have. They claim a complaint, a public debate for lack of transparency and information. They say they'll release all the information the team finds about the project. At Busturialdeko Hitza, Alex Uriarte took up in detail what was said at the press conference and highlighted a question: "Would you do the same in Yellowstone or Yosemit?"

They reported that 22 residents and neighbours of Busturialdea sent a message to the Guggenheim Foundation expressing their concerns about the natural reserve as a unique natural space on the Basque coast. They asked them to build the museum somewhere else outside the reserve. They have not received a reply.

They also note that the political map of Busturialdea has changed its political situation. The platform therefore sees the need to reconsider the whole project. They demand a socio-economic plan that meets the needs of citizens.

They point out at a press conference that it is significant that museum management is conducted by the Department of Tourism rather than by the Department of Culture of the Government.