The number of tourists who visited the Spanish State in June is down 97.7%
  • At the beginning of the summer tourism season, 8,830,000 visitors were counted in the Spanish State in 2019, while this year the decrease has been very pronounced: 204,926 tourists. As a result, the sector's revenue has been reduced by 98.6%.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko abuztuaren 03a
Argazkia: Wikimedia Commons

The number of tourists in the Spanish state decreased in June by 97.7% compared to the same month of 2019. Last year 8.83 million visitors were visited, and this year 204,926 have been counted. This has led to a fall in income of 98.6%: While in June 2019 €9.696 million was paid, this year the revenue has been €133 million. This data has been disseminated by the Spanish National Statistical Institute (INE).

As for the origin of tourists, the French State has been the main: 64,895 people, 31.7% of the total. This represents a decrease of 93.2% compared to the same month of the previous year. Germany (16.5%), the Netherlands (6%), Italy (5.1%) and the United Kingdom (4.1%) followed. The average expenditure per tourist was 651 euros, 40.6% less. Average daily expenditure, for its part, fell by 30.4%, to 114 euros.

By autonomous communities, tourists from outside the Spanish state prioritized in June Catalonia (37.4%), Comunidad Valenciana (15.4%), Baleares (13.8%), Madrid (10%) and Andalusia (6.9%). Between January and June, the number of international tourists decreased by 71.7%, representing 10.8 million people. In this first semester, foreign visitor spending decreased by 70.6% compared to 2019: EUR 11,840 million in 2020, EUR 40,380 million in 2019.