89% of participants in the consultation support the republic in Vallecas, Madrid
  • The vote, organized by Vallekas Representatives on Saturday, received 7,270 votes, of which 6,490 were in favor of the republic, 355 against, 64 in white and 52 null; 7,032 in favor of the right to decide and 109 against.
Asier Gonzalez de San Pedro @asiertxiki98 2018ko ekainaren 25
Larunbateko argazkia (Argakia: Vallekas Decide)

The residents of Vallecas had to answer two questions: “Do you want to decide the state structure? “Do you prefer the Republic or the Monarchy?” Vallekas Decide, the organizer, highlighted the number of votes received, “we believe that we have had a great success comparing it with data from other questionnaires”.

The organizers added that “the day has gone completely normal”, so they expected it “in a neighborhood with a democratic and popular custom”. They explain that they also ran out of ballots and there was “a lot of participation in the morning.”

They have declared the “first initiative” of good types of Vallecas and call on other neighborhoods and towns to carry out questionnaires. There was also the street theater of the monarchy, where two girls appeared with the crowns of a popular junk food restaurant.