An 89-year-old woman killed in Bilbao
  • A 28-year-old man is handed over to the Ertzaintza in recognition of having killed the woman by knife. The alleged murderer and the victim are his relatives.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko ekainaren 16a
Santutxuko auzoa, Zamakola kaletik ikusita. Argazkia: Etxeorratz/CC.

A 28-year-old man has stopped a Ertzaintza patrol in the street at midnight on Friday in the bilbaĆ­no district of Santutxu and reported the murder of a family member, according to the Security Department.

The news reports that the Ertzaintza went to the direction provided by the man and found an 89-year-old woman killed by knife wounds. The alleged killer is the family member of the woman killed.

The Department of Security tells Berria that the murder has been a male chauvinist.