Elkarrekin Podemos and the Basque Government agree an item of EUR 88.9 million by 2020
  • Elkarrekin Podemos and the Basque Government have agreed a budget of EUR 200 million for 2020 and for the coming years.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko abenduaren 09a
Ezkerrean Pedro Azpiazu Ogasun sailburua eta Lander Martínez Elkarrekin-Podemoseko bozeramailea. Argazkia: Juanan Ruiz / Foku.

Two coalition parties, Podemos and Equo, who have announced their intention to vote will abstain in the budgets. Both will, however, ask their militants if they agree with the pact. They will also be asked whether they want to have their budgets extended or whether they accept budgets that reflect the improvements made. The other coalition party, Ezker Anitza-IU, will vote against the reform of the transitional law.

Elkarrekin We can decide in 2020 the destination of almost EUR 89 million and EUR 112.6 million in the coming years. Elkarrekin’s spokesman Podemos, Lander Martínez, pointed out that “the agreement will serve as a shield against the next economic crisis and to protect families, businesses and young people.”

Martinez explained that the item would be used, inter alia, to increase the income guarantee income by 4% and to reduce by 10% the prices of enrolment in centres of the public consortium Haurreskolak.