An 88-year-old man is arrested in Vitoria for assaulting a woman
  • Agents detect a woman retouching and arrest a man on Monday in the Plaza de la Constitución de Vitoria.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko ekainaren 07a
Gasteizko Konstituzio plaza / Argazkia: Arabako Alea Gasteizko Konstituzio plaza / Argazkia: Arabako Alea

An 88-year-old man is arrested on charges of assaulting a woman in the Plaza de la Constitución de Vitoria, according to Alea in Álava. Local police see the woman trying to flee. The aggressor was apparently retouching and kissing the woman.

In addition, a 22-year-old boy is arrested on charges of assaulting his partner in an old town in the Casco Viejo. The Municipal Guard says the woman reported that the man hit his face.