An 86-year-old woman, first case of euthanasia in the Basque Country
  • The Euthanasia Act entered into force on 25 June, after its adoption in March by the Congress of Deputies. The first procedure was performed on July 23 to an 86-year-old Basque woman. One month after the law enforcement, Osakidetza has received petitions from more than fifteen people who want to dignify their lives, as explained by El Correo.
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An 86-year-old woman was euthanized on 23 July this year. It is the first case in Euskal Herria, according to Radio Euskadi Rafa Sal, member of the Association for the Right to Die Dignously (DHE). Although euthanasia is out of law in Iparralde, in Hego Euskal Herria on June 25 the law regulating the procedure entered into force, approved by the Spanish Congress in March.

In an interview with El País, the son of the first citizen who has exercised his right to die with dignity, explained that the professionals have developed the procedure very satisfactorily. “It has been very quick, without difficulties, and it has been done very directly and naturally. It is cold, but at the same time very human, a very dignified end.” Man has also praised the treatment received by health workers, who have described it as "close" and "very sensitive". The family has carried out the whole procedure at home and at all times they have felt "overthrown" by the situation.

However, the procedure has not been so easy. A decade ago, the 86-year-old woman expressed her desire to end her life if in the future her living conditions become much worse. According to his son, “it’s not easy to die like this, but he was no longer alive and didn’t want to be.” Once the situation worsened, the procedures began with the approval of the Euthanasia Law and, as indicated by the legal system, they had to follow a 40-day procedure.

Application process

Euthanasia is only applied when the patient suffers from an “incurable disease or condition that he considers unacceptable”. If the requirements are met, the person who wishes to exercise the right must inform the general practitioner of his/her request, keep an interview with him/her and, within 15 days, confirm it. Subsequently, the euthanasia procedure of the patient should be submitted to the approval of an evaluation committee and of another physician. The duration of the track is greater than one month, with a maximum of 40 days.

Fifteen applications in Osakidetza

Despite the difficulties, since the beginning of the application of the law, Osakidetza has received more than fifteen requests for euthanasia, according to El Correo. For the development of the procedure, 2,600 doctors and nurses from public and private health centers have been trained.