80,000 leek plants left Amillubi on Sunday to the homes of producers in the area
  • After identifying the needs of the sector with different actors, Amillubi started a concrete challenge with the excuse of knowing and starting the lands: producing an ecological leek plant for gardeners. On Sunday, more than twenty people, both members of the Amillubi promoter group and citizens, met to respond to the demand they have received and brought to their vegetable gardens 80,000 leek plants.
Danbolin 2024ko uztailaren 23a

In the words of Amillubi members, “It has not been an easy job to organize auzolan and we are very happy with the result. Because in addition to doing the job well done, we have enjoyed a good atmosphere together. Working together, we respond to concrete challenges and see that new paths are possible.”

photos: Amillubi