80,000 people go out in the street for Glasgown independence
  • Eight independence marches were announced in 2020, and the first one was held this Saturday in the city of Glasgow. 80,000 people have taken to the streets, according to the organizers, who have participated in the march.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2020ko urtarrilaren 13a
Independentziaren aldeko martxa jendetsua egin dute Glasgown. (The National)

The popular movement All Under One Banner (AUOB, We all translate to Basque as Bajo el Lelo Bera) has organised the march, which this year will be held in many parts of Scotland with the aim of increasing the pressure for independence.

In the poster below you can see the calls they have made.

The water was announced for Saturday in Glasgow, and although the rain has been on the verge of falling, they have finally decided to go ahead.

Photo by Humsa Yousaf.

The Conservatives in the United Kingdom have a political position against holding a second referendum for Scotland. In the elections held a month and a half ago, the SNP, the independence party of Nicolás Sturgeon, won 48 of the 59 seats with which it counted.