More than 8,000 birds die in the wind farms of Navarra
  • Since the construction of the first park in 1998, 8,435 birds and bats have died from windmills. Some are endangered species. Ekologistak Martxan of Navarra has asked the Government of Navarra to "rectify" the legislation and assume its responsibility.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko uztailaren 29a
Argazkia: Gurelur

Since the construction of the first wind farm in 1998, 8,435 birds and bats have died in Navarre as they were hit by the turbines. According to the report of the Government of Navarra to Ekologistak Martxan, more than 4,000 birds of prey (3,169 brown vultures and 265 black thousand, among others) are poultry. Some are also threatened species: the red thousands (94 dead) and the white vultures (10 casualties).

According to the NGO, these figures are actually much higher. In fact, the statistics do not show the smallest animals, as they have been eaten by scavengers or because they are difficult to locate, especially if the carcasses fall into the grass.

“These data show that wind farms pose a great danger to flying vertebrates,” the association says, “especially for birds of prey.” In addition to the figures collected in the Spanish State, they have compared the damage caused by windmills with the destruction of venom in the species. In the Ebro Valley as a whole, they have denounced that the future of these animals is "dark."

Changes in measurement

They have therefore asked the Government of Navarra to amend the Environmental Liability Act (LCA). It is proposed that sanctions be imposed on companies holding wind farms, solar parks and power lines to pay for animals that die being beaten or electrocuted. Furthermore, turbines with the highest mortality rate have called for “stopping and dissolving”, as “there is still no other effective way” to prevent the deaths of birds and, in particular, predators.