70,000 Euskaltzales denounce the Basque Wave in the streets of Bilbao
  • The demonstration convened by the Euskalgintza Council brings together some 70,000 people in Bilbao. The Council has called for a socio-political agreement to serve as a barrier to judicial aggression against Euskera and to guide future language policies.
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Manifestazio buruan Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluko ordezkariak. Argazkia: Monika del Valle / Foku

According to data from the Ertzaintza, 70,000 protesters have gathered in the streets of Bilbao. The Euskaltzales have expressed their concern and anger at the wave of Euskera in the demonstration that under the motto “Euskaraz bat” has been made before the Oldarraldia. Starting at 17:00, the demonstration started from the Euskalduna Palace and the last demonstrators started walking at 18:00. It has been one of the most important mobilizations for the Basque country. Throughout the tour, the melodies of the Txistularis and Gaiteros have encouraged thousands of demonstrators. In addition to individuals, numerous political parties, trade unions, popular movements and social actors have joined the demonstration.


Political and trade union representatives

These have been some of the political parties and public bodies that have visited Bilbao. From the institutions: Bakartxo Tejeria, Unai Hualde, Eider Mendoza, Ramiro Gonzalez, Leixuri Arrizabalaga, Esther Apraiz, Juan Mari Aburto, Eneko Goia, Beatriz Artolazabal, Unai Urruzuno, Idurre Bidegure, Sonia Araganinto From the PNV: Itxaso Atutxa and Joseba Egibar. EH Bildu: Pello Otxandiano, Nerea Kortajarena, Eba Blanco and Maddalen Iriarte. From Sumar: Lander Martinez and Andeka Larrea. Geroa Bai: Maria Solana and Jabi Arakama. EH Bai: Paulo Arzelus Aramendi and Mikel Irastorza Artola.

They have been representatives of the following trade unions: ELA, LAB, ESK, STEILAS, EHNE, Etxalde, Hiru and Lanartea. Outside Euskal Herria, representatives of the movements for Catalan, Galician, Asturian and Aragonese have also come to Bilbao to support the demonstration for the Basque Country.

When the president of the demonstration arrived at the town hall, in the Basque Country of Oskorri he was heard in Basque by the speakers and then Ruper Ordorika sang the song Zaindu nahi duzu in front of thousands of demonstrators. Council Secretary-General Idurre Eskisabel then reached an agreement.

According to data from the Ertzaintza, 70,000 people have joined the demonstration. Photo: Eurolang.

A new socio-political agreement

Eskisabel has stressed the need for a new socio-political agreement which, in addition to maintaining aggression, will enable us to meet the challenges of the future: “The Council of Euskalgintza considers it essential to have a new socio-political agreement that, in addition to putting a fence in the face of aggression, articulates linguistic policies in which the Basque and the Basque community build a soil capable of facing the challenges of the future. A political and social pact that not only resists the reactionary wave, but also allows us to make a leap forward and respond to the current challenges of the revitalization of the Basque Country”. It has called above all political leaders: “We make a special appeal to the institutions and political forces to be part of and encourage this new agreement, with common sense, in order to ensure a promising future.”

The Secretary-General of the Council talks about the gravity of the situation. He explains how the judiciary is doing linguistic policy and that from judging the judgment there is increasing concern and gravity: “We are running out of words to explain the amount of gravity.” He explained that the impulse means “regression in social justice, social cohesion and coexistence”.

Soka-dantza at the town hall entrance. Photo: Monica del Valle / Foku.

Need for a leap

In the face of globalisation, digitalized life and in a world in which the dominant languages are becoming more and more popular, Eskisabel has recognised the enormous challenges of the Basque Country, and has considered it essential to make a leap in linguistic policies to adequately address all these challenges of the future: “A leap is needed in education, in Euskaldunization and adult literacy, in resources for audiovisual and cultural production, in the elaboration of the socio-economic space, in resources for the proper linguistic reception of the new Basque citizens…”.

Valla puente

Eskisabel has described the manifestation as a barrier to the maintenance of aggression, but has finished the intervention saying that “it is time to go further”: “From facing. So instead of a barrier, this is a bridge to the future.”

The demonstration, Euskara, jalgi hadi plazara! Singing, there were still a lot of people without getting to the city hall bridge.