Various agents ask to avoid eviction of the 70-year-old Donostian widow
  • On 21 September at 11:00 a.m. they will meet in front of Caixabank to denounce the eviction and press for steps to be taken to prevent the action. The Stop Evictions platforms, Aloku Benta Berri and Azora tenants are the organizers. The 70-year-old widow owes five rental fees and the vulture fund Coral Homes has sued her to leave the house on the 27th. The Donostian woman lost her house after her son used the house that belonged to her mother as a guarantee.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko irailaren 20a
2020ko ekainean Stop Kaleratzeak plataformak eta Benta Berriko bizilagunek egindako agerraldi bat. Argazkia: Irati Salsamendi / Irutxuloko Hitza.

According to a note written by three platforms, Ramona, a widow, owned the house of Amara Berri. He lost the property when his son used it as a loan guarantee. It was left to Caixabank, who auctioned the dwelling. After losing the property, the son obtained a rental contract of 920 euros per month. The homeowner has a widower’s pension of EUR 689 per 100,000.

In 2019, Caixabank's real estate agency sued Ramona for leaving the home and transferred the property to Coral Homes.

At the press conference on 21 September, they will ask Caixabank to make appropriate efforts with Coral Holmes to suspend the eviction and ensure that he can stay in that house all his life. The platforms recall that they await the mediation of the City of Donostia-San Sebastian, as in 2015 it declared a city without eviction claimed by banks and investment funds.

The platforms claim that they do not rule out calling a public piquet against eviction on the 27th day if Coral Holmes does not disrupt their lawsuit in court.