Aitor Agirrezabal, journalist
"Altsasu was represented as the Belfast of the 1970s"
  • Altsasu / Alsasua. They present the book The Alsasua Case. One of the authors is Aitor Agirrezabal, who today has been in charge of getting to know the Hizpidean project close.
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2018ko azaroaren 29a

He tells us about the experiences of the people of Altsasu and the eight young people being prosecuted in particular, and how the State media has used Altsasu to spread a terrible image. Aitor Agirrezabal has also talked to us about other issues.

You can listen to the full interview here:

Audio This is how we brought it from the Hala Bedi radio website, thanks to the CC-By-SA license.