Police and civil guards receive an extra EUR 681
  • The Spanish Government "does not raise the possibility that this incentive may be eliminated in the future".
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2020ko otsailaren 25

The Spanish Ministry of the Interior maintains the plus of 681.98 euros for the 3,508 Civil Guard officers working in the CAV and Navarra and 1,839 Spanish Police officers. The 205 general staff members receive an incentive of €167.85, while the 12 public employees charge €101.58.

The Ministry of the Interior of the Government of Spain has collected these data in a written reply to EH Deputy Bildu Jon Iñarritu. In its letter, the Government "does not raise the possibility that this incentive may be eliminated in the future". The supplement has been paid "regularly and unchanged" since 2011.

In addition to the financial incentive, civil guards work in the Basque Country with an additional credit of eleven working days and three additional days of leave for own affairs for each full period of effective service.