673 companies and individuals owe EUR 319.9 million to the Hacienda de Navarra
  • The Hacienda de Navarra has published a list of companies and individuals who owe more than 120,000 euros per month. These are 673 companies, which accumulate in 2020 a debt of 319.9 million euros to the Hacienda de Navarra. This list includes 33 debtors more than the previous year, representing an annual increase of EUR 15.8 million.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko ekainaren 29a
Epaiketetara iritsi den Flores eraikuntzak da Nafarroako Ogasunarekin 2020an zorrik handiena pilatu duena: 6,3 milioi eurotik gora.

The majority of the debt, 93.06%, corresponds to 635 entities based in Navarra. By sector, the largest debt, 39.04% (EUR 124.9 million), corresponds to the construction and housing sector. The second largest debt, 21.37%, comes from hospitality and commerce.

Of the total number of companies owed, 92 are in closure procedures and they account for 24.17% of the debt, i.e. EUR 77 million.