6.486 donostiarras voted negatively on its implementation in the parks of the Basque Culinary Center Gros and Ulia
  • The Ulia neighbourhood association and the SOS Manteo platform have held a popular consultation this weekend. A total of 6,948 people participated and 6,486 supported park protection.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko urtarrilaren 04a
Irailean ehunka lagunek bat egin dute Manteoko berdegunea "bakean uzteko" eskatzeko. Argazkia: Olatz Balda / Irutxuloko Hitza

The new headquarters of the Basque Culinary Center is planned in the Manteo and Zemoria parks, located between the neighborhoods of Gros and Ulia. The project has generated controversy as soon as it is made known. Opponents have, inter alia, highlighted the following reasons: The project will destroy the only green area of Gros, will allow to deepen the tourist area of the city and will lose public land to the Donostiarras. Therefore, they have made mobilizations and protests against the installation of the Basque Culinary Center in the Manteo and Zemoria parks.

The last project was to organise a referendum. The Ulia neighbourhood association and the SOS Manteo platform conducted a popular consultation this weekend and announced the results, as explained by Irutxuloko Hitza. The interrogation was conducted over the Internet and in different parts of the city.

The result has been clear. A total of 6,948 people participated, 96.53% of whom voted in favour of park protection. That is, 6,486 people oppose the construction of this project. 222 (3.30%) voted against not protecting parks, 11 people voted blank (0.16%) and the remaining 229 votes were void. The organisation has made a "very positive assessment" of the process and the outcome.