A 63-year-old farmer dies and a 12-year-old boy in Aiherra after a tractor accident
  • The event took place this Monday morning and the man's wife called for emergency services at 13:23 hours. The two victims are in a state of cardiac arrest, so the emergency services have not managed to save their lives and have been taken to the hospital. The girl was a neighbor of the village, where she had been living for several weeks.  
Julen Ugartemendia Carcedo 2024ko uztailaren 16a
Aiherra Nafarroa Behereko 1.000 biztanle inguruko herria da. Argazkia: Euskal Kultur Erakundea

A 63-year-old farmer and a 12-year-old boy died on Monday, 15 July in Aiherra (Lower Navarra) as a result of a tractor accident in which they traveled. The woman of man called the rescuers at 13:23 hours, as the farmer did not come home at lunchtime, France Bleu said. The girl who was on the tractor with the man was close to the village.

The accident has taken place on the road to Traffic Expansion. The man was doing pruning work in a steep slope area and the tractor has turned, according to Naiz himself in a statement. Sources from the Department of Safety have indicated that heavy rains falling in the morning could have caused the accident, although the actual cause of the accident is currently unknown.

Upon arrival of the emergency services, the two individuals have been located outside the injured vehicle. Both were in a state of cardiac arrest and, despite the efforts of the rescuers, Smur's doctors have killed the two victims. The mayor of the town, Arno Gastambide, and the French Gendarmerie have come to the scene. Gastambide pointed out that this is a "very tragic" fact for the citizens, as Berria pointed out.

Apart from this event, there have been 32 occupational deaths in Euskal Herria so far this year, according to union sources.